9th September 2020
Debriefing together to learn from experiences is critical in continually stepping up to a new level of performance. Mark Stewart talks about the importance of thorough debriefs after training and competition. At the end of a shift (or task if possible) have a short debrief as a team and share thoughts and learnings, especially the non-technical learnings. Ask how we ensure those lessons are applied into the next job. Don’t just focus on the negative – what went well and why did that event go well? How do you ensure you repeat great performance?
• Role model – be open and honest what you could have done better and encourage others.
• You need to update documentation to ensure these learnings are applied going forward.
• Consider how you will share your lessons – don’t just archive lessons away.
Mark is a successful road and track cyclist that has represented Great Britain and Scotland at international level.
#performancemanagement #personaldevelopment #coaching #mentalwellbeing #debriefing #oilandgas #mentoring
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